Spicy Fennel and Nectarine Salad

Serves 2 | 15 mins


1 Baby fennel with top
20g Whole, raw almonds
1 Yellow habanero
1 Nectarine
Fennel flower (optional) 
Forager's Vinaigrette


1. Clean the fennel and cut off the tops, reserving for later. Slice the fennel and nectarine thinly with a knife or using a mandolin. Add the fennel and nectarine to a bowl with a few slices of yellow habanero and a pinch of salt and a few good glugs of well-shaken Foragers Vinaigrette, leave to marinate for a few minutes. 

2. Remove the fennel and nectarine from the marinade. Chop the fennel tops finely and add them to the marinade with some freshly ground pepper. Plate your nectarine and fennel in a bowl and dress with fennel tops marinade and all. Sprinkle with crushed almonds and a few fennel flowers if you have them on hand. 

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