Brew Guide: V60

Words by Carolyne Lane
Photography by Fritz Buziek

Brew Guide: V60

This is your basic, essential V60 recipe, for which you should use a scale and timer. Keep in mind that you may have to experiment with grind size and exact timings to fully lock in what works best for the particular coffee you’re enjoying. 

Coffee: 65g

Water: 1000g

Temperature: Water just off the boil

Use a scale and a timer to pour the following recipe:  

Pour 120g of water in a circular motion, avoiding direct contact with the sides of the filter.  

Ensure that all grounds are wet (you can stir the coffee bed once gently with a spoon to check.). 

The bed of grounds will begin to bubble, signaling the release of gases that have been trapped in the coffee from the roasting process. When the coffee is very fresh, the bubbling will be more extreme.  

This gas acts as a barrier which surrounds the coffee granules and prevents the water from properly penetrating them — so releasing them at this stage of the brew is important.  

This 30-40 second period of degassing at the beginning of a coffee recipe is what we call the bloom.

Pour up until 270g 
@0:55: Start pouring to 400g. Aim to finish this pour by 1:00. 

Aim for the following:

Be @ 500g by 1:30 
Be @ 600g by 2:00 
Be @ 700g by 2:30 
Be @ 800g by 3:00 
Be @ 900g by 3:25 
Be @ 1000g (full amt.) by 3:50 

Remove dripper once there is no longer any water visible in the coffee bed.

Adjust grind size to be able to comfortably execute this basic recipe, making small adjustments to taste. Some coffees require a longer, more gentle brew time; some require a more aggressive, shorter brew time with more agitation. You may need to experiment to lock in what makes sense for you and your set-up! 

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