Oatmeal and Pumpkin Seed Praline

Recipe by Cristina Megias
Oatmeal and Pumpkin Seed Praline
Serves 2

200g oats 
500ml whole or nut milk  
2 pods of cardamom 
1 spoonful of Pumpkin Seed Praline 
Banana or pears 
Hazelnuts or other nuts 

  • Warm a small pot over medium heat and toast the cardamom until it releases its aromas. 
  • Add the milk, reduce to low heat, and let it infuse with the cardamom for about 5 minutes. 
  • Stir in the oats while the milk is warm, mixing well. Allow the oats to absorb the milk for 10 minutes. 
  • Serve the oats in a deep bowl. 
  • Top with sliced fruit and crushed nuts and drizzle a spoonful of Pumpkin Seed Praline over the top. 

In the making

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