Haloumi Steak

Serves 4 | 30 min


400g assorted mushrooms, thickly sliced
Vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, smashed
30g unsalted butter
45g Smoked Mushroom Garum
200g heavy cream
250g haloumi, sliced into 4 pieces
Parsley, or other fresh herbs, chopped


In a medium pan, add vegetable oil over medium-high heat and tilt to thinly coat the pan. When the oil begins to shimmer, arrange the mushrooms in a single layer and cook, undisturbed, until bottom sides are evenly browned, about 3 minutes. Flip the pieces and repeat on the other side.

Once mushrooms are browned, add the butter to the pan. Smash the garlic cloves with the heel of a knife and add to pan. Allow butter to melt and evenly coat the mushrooms. Toss mushrooms for a few more minutes, pour in the smoked mushroom garum, and cook just until the excess liquid reduces, about 4 minutes.

Add the heavy cream and simmer until the cream has reduced to half and thickened. Remove the pan from the heat.

Place a nonstick pan over medium heat. Coat the surface of the pan with oil. Once the oil begins to shimmer, add the slices of haloumi and sear until golden brown. Turn and sear the other side until golden brown.

Using a slotted spoon, serve a generous amount of mushrooms into a bowl, season with salt, fresh black pepper, and herbs, and top with fried haloumi.

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